Asia Internship Program | Doctor/Hospital Search

When seeking in-person medical treatment, we suggest using your plans network to find doctors in your area. Outside of the United States, you’ll have access to the WellAbroad provider directory.

Click below to search for providers outside the USA

On the WellAbroad website, select your country from the list and then click on the "providers" button.

Prenotification Requirements

Seven Corners Assist must be contacted prior to: (1) any medical treatment being received in the United States; or (2) hospital admissions worldwide; or (3) inpatient or outpatient surgeries worldwide. (For Emergency admissions and situations, Seven Corners Assist must be contacted within 48 hours, or as soon as reasonably possible.)

Student Zone

Learn more about using and managing your international insurance plan:
24-Hour Assistance:

Toll-free: (877) 702-6767
Direct: + 1 (317) 582-2622